
Configuration guide of 3 in 1 Shop Script.

3 in 1 Shop - Supermarket, Weapon Shop, and Black Market for FiveM

The 3 in 1 Shop script is the ultimate all-in-one shopping solution for your FiveM server. This script combines a supermarket, a weapon shop, and a black market into a single, easy-to-use system, allowing players to purchase a wide variety of items, weapons, and more. Whether you're running a roleplay server or just looking to enhance the player experience, this script is a perfect addition.

Configuration Options:

  • Framework Selection: Automatically detects the available framework (ESX or QBCore) or allows manual selection.

    STG.Framework = "auto" -- Options: 'auto', 'esx', 'qb'
  • Language Setting: Choose between English and German for in-game text and notifications.

    STG.Language = "en" -- Options: 'en', 'de'
  • Weapon Licensing: Enable or disable license checks for weapon purchases.

    STG.license = false -- Set to true to require licenses for weapon purchases
  • Robbery Configuration: Customize robbery mechanics, including minimum cop requirements, robbery duration, and reward settings.

    STG.robAble = true -- Enable or disable robberies
    STG.minCop = 0 -- Minimum cops required to start a robbery
    STG.robTime = 60 -- Robbery duration in seconds
    STG.robReward = { minMoney = 1000, maxMoney = 3000 } -- Money reward range for successful robberies
  • NPC and Shop Locations: Customize the locations and NPCs for each shop type (supermarket, weapon shop, black market).

    STG.Positions = {
        { coords = vector3(373.875, 325.896, 103.566), type = "supermarket", npcCoord = vector4(372.507, 326.479, 102.566, 252.06) },
        { coords = vector3(810.2, -2157.3, 29.6), type = "weaponshop", npcCoord = vector4(809.8747, -2159.09, 28.619, 0) },
        { coords = vector3(711.7885, 590.2888, 129.0507), type = "blackmarket", npcCoord = vector4(711.7885, 590.2888, 129.0507, 342.3813) },


The script includes localized text for English and German, ensuring that your players can easily interact with the shops in their preferred language.

STG.Locale = {
    ["en"] = {
        open_shop = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open shop",
        get_reward = "You claimed money bag",
        starting_rob = "~r~ROB WILL START IN",
        busy = "This shop was recently robbed.",
        need_license = "You need weapon license!",
        item_buy = "You have successfully bought the items!",
        robbery = "Robbery in progress!",
        cop_msg = "We have sent a photo of the robber taken by the CCTV camera!",
        set_waypoint = "Set waypoint to the store",
        hide_box = "Close this box",
        police = "There are not enough cops online!",
        blacklist = "Your job in blacklist!",
        buy = "Successful bought!",
        no_money = "You don't have enough money!"
    ["de"] = {
        open_shop = "Drücken Sie ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um den Shop zu öffnen",
        get_reward = "Du hast Geldbeutel beansprucht",
        starting_rob = "~r~ROB STARTET IN",
        busy = "Dieser Laden wurde kürzlich ausgeraubt.",
        need_license = "Sie brauchen einen Waffenschein!",
        item_buy = "Sie haben die Artikel erfolgreich gekauft!",
        robbery = "Raub im Gange!",
        cop_msg = "Wir haben ein Foto des Räubers geschickt, das von der Überwachungskamera aufgenommen wurde!",
        set_waypoint = "Wegpunkt zum Laden setzen",
        hide_box = "Schließen Sie dieses Feld",
        police = "Es sind nicht genug Cops online!",
        blacklist = "Ihr Job auf der schwarzen Liste!",
        buy = "Erfolgreich gekauft!",
        no_money = "Du hast nicht genug Geld!"


Each shop has its own unique blip on the map, with customizable labels, icons, and visibility settings. The included NPCs enhance the realism of the shopping experience, making each store feel like a real part of the game world.

Example Blips Configuration:

STG.Blips = {
    weaponshop = { label = "Weapon Shop", sprite = 110, scale = 0.7, color = 5, visible = true },
    supermarket = { label = "Super Market", sprite = 59, scale = 0.7, color = 3, visible = true },
    blackmarket = { label = "BlackMarket", sprite = 59, scale = 0.7, color = 3, visible = false }

This script is a must-have for any server looking to offer players a comprehensive and immersive shopping experience, complete with a range of features that cater to various gameplay styles.

Last updated