
Configuration guide of Pizza Delivery

Configuration Guide for Pizza Delivery Script

This guide will help you set up and customize the pizza delivery script for your FiveM server. Follow the steps below to configure the settings according to your preferences.

Pizza Delivery Script Configuration

1. Language Setting

Defines the language for the script. Supported languages are German (de), English (en), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), and Spanish (es).

Config.Language = 'en' -- Options: 'de', 'en', 'pl', 'pt', 'es'

2. Framework Selection

Specifies the framework to be used. It can automatically detect the available framework (ESX or QB).

Config.Framework = 'auto' -- Options: 'esx', 'qb', 'auto'

3. Start Point

The starting point for the pizza delivery job.

Config.StartPoint = {538.4199, 101.6892, 97.5335}

4. Vehicle Spawn Point

The location and heading where the delivery vehicle will spawn.

Config.VehicleSpawnPoint = {529.7347, 109.4254, 95.7868, 159.7119}

5. Blip Settings

Configures the map blip to indicate the Pizza Shop location.

Config.Blip = {
    title = "Pizza Shop",
    colour = 5,
    id = 681,
    x = Config.StartPoint[1],
    y = Config.StartPoint[2],
    z = Config.StartPoint[3]

6. Payment Setting

The amount of money players receive for each successful delivery.

Config.Payment = 50

7. Delivery Points

A list of points where pizzas are delivered. Each delivery point includes a vehicle point and a delivery point.

Config.DeliveryPoints = {
    {vehiclePoint = {-81.8671, -1022.6032, 29.3729}, deliveryPoint = {-91.1543, -1030.4658, 28.8935}},
    {vehiclePoint = {374.1097, 435.4387, 145.0825}, deliveryPoint = {372.3414, 429.2246, 146.5102}},
    {vehiclePoint = {226.7188, 680.7012, 190.0616}, deliveryPoint = {231.9225, 672.3691, 190.9455}},
    {vehiclePoint = {13.1105, 550.0386, 177.2698}, deliveryPoint = {8.4103, 540.3004, 177.0273}},
    {vehiclePoint = {-308.1143, 386.9582, 110.7375}, deliveryPoint = {-299.9754, 383.1141, 111.8444}},
    {vehiclePoint = {-605.8273, 400.8336, 101.9778}, deliveryPoint = {-595.9443, 393.3929, 102.8817}},
    {vehiclePoint = {-577.0188, 314.9492, 85.2407}, deliveryPoint = {-570.3618, 311.1626, 85.4905}},
    {vehiclePoint = {-171.5516, 209.9624, 89.4861}, deliveryPoint = {-174.6781, 218.9060, 90.9042}},
    {vehiclePoint = {359.4518, -125.8211, 66.8596}, deliveryPoint = {353.5718, -139.7855, 67.2148}},
    {vehiclePoint = {926.2294, -255.1635, 69.2020}, deliveryPoint = {931.4406, -245.7378, 70.0023}},
    {vehiclePoint = {1073.7520, -386.8903, 68.0611}, deliveryPoint = {1061.5096, -378.6017, 69.2313}},
    {vehiclePoint = {11.0198, 218.1234, 108.5550}, deliveryPoint = {4.7128, 220.2669, 108.7125}},
    {vehiclePoint = {213.8788, 519.5670, 141.5349}, deliveryPoint = {222.8913, 514.5650, 141.7638}},
    {vehiclePoint = {-55.8190, -130.1676, 58.7661}, deliveryPoint = {-50.0591, -141.6948, 58.4733}},
    {vehiclePoint = {1037.1064, 195.6948, 81.6913}, deliveryPoint = {1045.1954, 192.5180, 81.9998}},
    {vehiclePoint = {650.2236, 597.5467, 129.9109}, deliveryPoint = {659.4041, 593.0525, 130.0509}},
    {vehiclePoint = {-177.7213, 597.2491, 198.9299}, deliveryPoint = {-185.3345, 591.8120, 198.8230}},
    {vehiclePoint = {-809.3836, -19.1745, 39.5521}, deliveryPoint = {-788.8243, -7.1545, 41.8741}},
    {vehiclePoint = {-1531.0176, 434.3141, 109.8223}, deliveryPoint = {-1540.0199, 421.7095, 111.0139}},
    {vehiclePoint = {432.5850, -613.3483, 29.5000}, deliveryPoint = {437.5288, -623.4611, 29.7086}}

8. Translation Settings

Translation settings for different languages. Below is an example for English.

Config.Translations = {
    de = {
        startJob = "Drücken Sie [E], um die Pizza-Lieferung zu starten.",
        warning = "Warnung",
        success = "Erfolg",
        driveToPoint = "Fahren Sie zum markierten Punkt, um die Pizza zu liefern.",
        getTheBox = "Gehen Sie zum Kofferraum und holen Sie die Box.",
        parkVehicle = "Drücken Sie [E], um Ihr Auto hier zu parken.",
        collectBox = "Drücken Sie [E], um die Box zu holen.",
        deliverPizza = "Gehen Sie zum Lieferpunkt und liefern Sie die Pizza aus.",
        deliverSuccess = "Gehalt auf Ihr Pizza-Konto gutgeschrieben.($50)",
        parkAndExit = "Parken Sie Ihr Auto und steigen Sie aus, um die Pizza zu liefern.",
        endJob = "Sie haben den Pizza-Lieferjob beendet.",
        collectMoney = "Sie haben $%s abgeholt."
    en = {
        startJob = "Press [E] to start pizza delivery",
        warning = "Warning",
        success = "Success",
        driveToPoint = "Drive to the marked point to deliver the pizza.",
        getTheBox = "Go to the trunk and get the box.",
        parkVehicle = "Press [E] Park your car here",
        collectBox = "Press [E] to get the box",
        deliverPizza = "Press [E] to deliver pizza",
        deliverSuccess = "Salary credited to your pizza account.($50)",
        parkAndExit = "Park your car and get out to deliver the pizza.",
        endJob = "You have ended the pizza delivery job.",
        collectMoney = "You have collected $%s."
    pl = {
        startJob = "Naciśnij [E], aby rozpocząć dostawę pizzy.",
        warning = "Ostrzeżenie",
        success = "Sukces",
        driveToPoint = "Jedź do zaznaczonego punktu, aby dostarczyć pizzę.",
        getTheBox = "Idź do bagażnika i weź pudełko.",
        parkVehicle = "Naciśnij [E], aby zaparkować tutaj samochód.",
        collectBox = "Naciśnij [E], aby wziąć pudełko.",
        deliverPizza = "Naciśnij [E], aby dostarczyć pizzę.",
        deliverSuccess = "Wynagrodzenie zaksięgowane na twoim koncie pizzowym.($50)",
        parkAndExit = "Zaparkuj samochód i wyjdź, aby dostarczyć pizzę.",
        endJob = "Zakończyłeś pracę dostawcy pizzy.",
        collectMoney = "Zebrałeś $%s."
    pt = {
        startJob = "Pressione [E] para iniciar a entrega de pizza.",
        warning = "Aviso",
        success = "Sucesso",
        driveToPoint = "Dirija até o ponto marcado para entregar a pizza.",
        getTheBox = "Vá até o porta-malas e pegue a caixa.",
        parkVehicle = "Pressione [E] para estacionar seu carro aqui.",
        collectBox = "Pressione [E] para pegar a caixa.",
        deliverPizza = "Pressione [E] para entregar a pizza.",
        deliverSuccess = "Salário creditado na sua conta de pizza.($50)",
        parkAndExit = "Estacione seu carro e saia para entregar a pizza.",
        endJob = "Você

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