
Configuration guide of Auto Pilot Script.

Auto Pilot Script Configuration Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions for configuring the Auto Pilot Script for FiveM. The script allows players to enable autopilot for specific vehicles, providing a seamless and automated driving experience. Configuration options include framework detection, vehicle restrictions, notifications, and more.

Main Configuration


  • Description: This setting determines which framework the script will utilize. The options are "esx", "qb", or "auto". When set to "auto", the script automatically detects the active framework on the server. Use "auto" for flexibility or manually set the framework based on your server setup.


    Config.Framework = "auto" -- auto, esx, or qb


  • Description: Enables or disables debug mode. When true, the script will output detailed information to the console, which can be helpful for troubleshooting during development or testing. Keep it false for regular use to avoid unnecessary console messages.


    Config.debug = false -- Enable or disable debug mode


  • Description: This setting allows you to define a custom command that players can use to hide the autopilot user interface. It can be helpful for players who prefer a cleaner HUD or only want to display the interface when needed.


    Config.hideCmd = 'hideap' -- Command to hide the autopilot UI

Vehicle Access


  • Description: This option controls whether all vehicles are allowed to use autopilot. Set this to true if you want to enable autopilot for every vehicle. If set to false, only the vehicles listed in allowedCars will be able to use autopilot.


    Config.allCarsAllowed = false -- Set to true to allow all vehicles


  • Description: If Config.allCarsAllowed is set to false, this table defines which vehicles can use the autopilot system. You can list vehicle models by their spawn name, allowing autopilot only for specific cars.


    Config.allowedCars = {'t20', 'adder', 'neon'} -- List of allowed vehicles for autopilot



  • Description: This section allows you to customize the messages displayed to players when autopilot is activated or deactivated. You can easily change the text to fit your server's language or tone.


    Config.Locales = {
      autopilot_deactivated = 'Autopilot functions are now ~r~disabled~s~.',
      autopilot_activated = 'Autopilot functions are now ~g~enabled~s~.',



  • Description: This setting allows you to choose between the default notification system or implementing a custom notification function. Set to "default" for standard notifications or "custom" if you want to create your own.


    Config.Notify = 'default' -- Choose between default or custom notifications


  • Description: If you choose "custom" for Config.Notify, this function allows you to define how the notifications are triggered. Insert your custom notification logic here to replace the default behavior.


    Config.NotifyFunction = function(msg)
      -- Your custom notify trigger here

Framework Detection


  • Description: This function automatically detects and returns the active framework being used. It supports ESX, QBCore, or automatic detection. This ensures the script works seamlessly with the server's setup.


    function getFramework()
      if Config.Framework == "esx" then
          return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject(), "esx"
      elseif Config.Framework == "qb" then
          return exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject(), "qb"
      elseif Config.Framework == "auto" then
          if GetResourceState('qb-core') == 'started' then
              return exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject(), "qb"
          elseif GetResourceState('es_extended') == 'started' then
              return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject(), "esx"

This format explains each configuration option with clear examples, providing users with a comprehensive guide to setting up the Auto Pilot Script in FiveM.

Last updated