Installation guide of Hand Console 2
Step 1: Move resource
Extract the zip you downloaded from keymaster and drop the stg-handconsole and stg-handconsole-prop folder in the resources folder.
Step 2: Install SQL files
Insert the setup-files/[SQL]/esx.sql or setup-files/[SQL]/qb.sql file to your database.
Step 3: Add Image
Don't forget to add the images in setup-files/images-for-inventory to your inventory!
Step 4: Set Discord Token
to get the discord profile picture on the top left of the console need a discord bot token. but this bot doesn't have to be on your fivem server discord server, check out this tutorial for an example of how to create one! (you need set on stg-handconsole/settings.lua)
Step 5: Start script
Start stg-handconsole in server.cfg.
Last updated